As well as running an award-winning independent publisher ourselves since 2003, we benefit from working with hundreds of publishing professionals around the world. This privileged viewpoint means we get to see the woods for the trees – to see the patterns in how publishers of different shapes and sizes tackle and overcome the problems we all face. These blog posts are a collection of insights gathered from this wide range of experiences, coupled with our technical expertise.
APIs, ONIX & data feeds
How to use RSS
To be the first to know about new blog posts from Consonance (I know! It is exciting, you’re right...
GraphQL at Christmas
Pretty exciting times over here at Consonance Towers, as we gear up for the launch of our new metadata...
774 new Thema subject codes
The latest Thema updates have been released with 744 new codes, bringing the total to 6,748, and are...
The ONIX Standard is not very standard
Here at Consonance we send ONIX to over a hundred recipients, and I think it’s fair to say that no...
How to create a catalogue automatically using ONIX and InDesign
Did you go into publishing so that you could spend your days copying and pasting ever-changing metadata...
How APIs can make publishing more efficient
As a rule, application programming interfaces, or APIs, aren’t easy to talk about.
For instance,...
Case studies
Taylor & Francis ONIX, by Consonance now manages all of Taylor & Francis ONIX for Books.
A few years ago we were approached...
NewLiverpool University Press
We have had the pleasure of working with LUP since 2015 when they migrated to us from a legacy platform...
Leuven University Press
Established in 1971, Leuven University Press’ foundation goes hand in hand with the long-standing...
Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing
Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing are just three years old, but the founders come from rich stock...
Improving your publishing through technology
Thoughtful little innovations, at the London Book Fair '23
I’m happy to share this playlist of a few short videos that highlight some of the little innovations...
Discussions in Consonance
When the lockdown started, one of our first remotely-held planning meetings was to brainstorm what...
Ruby code and why you should care
Ruby is the primary programming language that Consonance is written in, chosen for its readability...
How many authors is too many?
How big is your company’s contact database? How many authors has your company ever published? How...
Hidden benefits of a single source of bibliographic truth
I’ve noticed an interesting side-effect to using Consonance. If you use one of the features that presents...
So where are we with the frontlist?
It's the question everyone in publishing dreads.
Like Anna, an editorial assistant...
The real price of a strategy shift
Whatever your strategy, you need to pay a “strategy tax.”
I wrote this article about the cost of...
How to avoid making a rod for your own back with data
Technical debt is what you accrue when you write bad code or take some expedient shortcut or just...
Responsibility, Authority, Capability
Publishing is full of tensions. Indies versus conglomerates. Trade versus academic. Start-ups versus...
Six things to do the moment you get back from vacation (disclaimer – you might have to resign)
So I’m just back from a glorious holiday up in Scotland with the boys. We piled onto the Caledonian...
Is your strategy setting you up for disappointment?
Skills development, well-thought-through workflows, decent transactional websites, careful integrations...
Discoverability? That's not nearly enough.
Discoverability isn’t nearly enough. Discoverability relies on someone actively trying to discover...
ONIX & data feeds
Publisher websites
Why publishers must use direct sales
If you were writing a business plan to set up a new consumer goods business, which of the following...
To go direct, publishers must mean business
Originally published on Digital Book World in 2015.
The arithmetic of publishing is fairly straightforward...
Running a publishing start up
2024 in review
2024 was a busy year! We:
🌟 Managed 1.3 million products.
📎 Sent 85,000 ONIX files on behalf of...
Pandemic update
Update, Janury 2021
As England goes into another full lockdown today, with schools closed until mid...
Internship report
Ariana writes: “For the last month or so I have had the amazing opportunity to be an intern with Snowbooks...
Nine hard-earned pieces of advice for publishing start-ups
Being an indentured employee is how most people pay the bills. But about 12 years ago I started down...
The technical story of our rebrand (for non-technical readers)
Everyone in our team is a programmer. But we also cover all the other business functions between us...
No longer an oxymoron – beautiful publishing software
In early 2011, our CEO Emma Barnes sat at the kitchen table and wrote the first lines of Ruby code...
New website
Never ones to rest on our laurels, here’s our new website. In my previous post (originally for our...
A range of Consonance customisations
“We see how well you service publishers day in and day out.” –NBN International via Twitter
Sara O'Connor to join the team!
Huge news from us today on day 2 of the London Book Fair 2017. Here’s the full press release! Thanks...
Technical skills in publishing
Introduction to publishing management software
Introduction to publishing management systems
If you don’t currently have access to a publishing...
Book machine unplugged
On the road again! Emma & Sara were on a Book Machine panel with Lola Odelola and Janneke Niessen
Publishers can learn a few things from programmers
As both a publisher and a programmer, I’m a member of a very select club. I’ve been struck by many...
Learning how to code, the long way around
I’d always meant to learn to code, but there never seemed to be a good time.
I graduated in 1996...
A taste of code
On Thursday, in conjunction with BookMachine, the Consonance team ran a workshop to teach 30-odd publishers...
Futurebook manifesto for skills
This appeared in Futurebook and was also delivered at the Futurebook conference
Whatever the other...