Get in touch to set up a call to discuss your specific requirements.
Good ideas are often implemented for free: your insight helps us to continually improve your system.
Affordable and non-modular pricing to encourage full team participation: the secret to harmonised workflow

Pay-per-user plan

£ 75.00

Each named user licence is £75 ex vat per month. We have a minimum of 8 users per client, because Consonance is designed to help growing teams manage complex workflows and complex data. Teams of at least 15 people tend to get the best value out of Consonance.

The monthly user licence fee includes everything you need to be a better publisher:

  • Unlimited personal support for each user from technical staff, via our dedicated online ticketed helpdesk.
  • Access to all functionality in our public cloud for all users – no modules or locked features requiring upgrades.
  • Immediate access to new and improved features.
  • High quality, well-maintained how-tos, in-depth articles, and videos.
  • Extremely high-quality, tested code for confidence in your data security.
  • Billing in GBP or your local currency, subject to agreement.
  • Direct debit / Stripe or invoiced payments are available, subject to agreement.
  • Monthly or annual billing, subject to agreement. (We prefer monthly: either way, we require payments to be automated so no-one has to waste time chasing in bills.)

Enterprise plan

Contact us

For clients with enterprise requirements, please contact us to discuss your options. In addition to our usual gold standard service, we provide our larger clients with:

  • Private cloud and database with enhanced access options, offering the same rock-solid dependability as our public cloud.
  • Bespoke code, written to our usual exacting standards including full test suites run on every code change, to extend Consonance's core functionality to support your unique practices.
  • One of our directors is your dedicated technical account manager providing daily contact.
  • Bespoke billing and contract options.

Get in touch to discuss your specific requirements and to arrange to talk with one of our existing enterprise clients (1 million+ products) for insights into the business-critical services we deliver.


We work with each of our clients to implement Consonance in the way that's right for them. Our standard package is £2500 ex VAT for a team of 8, which pays for:

  • A one-off cleanse and migration of valid ONIX 2.1/3.0/3.1 metadata from your previous supplier. We often encounter invalid ONIX emitted from other systems, and will advise you on any issues or additional costs on sight of your data.
  • ONIX feed set-up to your primary data recipients e.g. Nielsen, Bowker.
  • Up to three team training screen-share sessions.

This excludes any royalties aspect, which will be quoted separately on sight of your data and existing processes. You must budget for this project if you plan to use the royalties functionality. The cost will depend on your requirements and at a minimum there will be a charge for checking your sales channels are set up correctly and your legacy data is in the right format to be imported into Consonance. Further services may include:

  • Data cleansing and migration of previous sales data, royalties data, past payments and payee information
  • Amendments to the standard royalty statement layout
  • Bespoke code to accommodate your distributors' sales reporting
  • Bespoke code to handle your legacy edge cases

It also excludes major imports, exports and other requirements which come to our attention after we have begun implementation. The pricing in "Programming" below applies to emerging requirements.


If you and your team require additional personalised training in addition to our free resources and the training including in our standard implementation package, we provide private online sessions at £110 ex VAT per hour.

Due to their inherent complexity, royalties projects attract a mandatory training charge. We will provide an estimate of the extent of training required on sight of your data and processes, and you should expect to budget for this training, with the amount depending on your requirements. See Implementing royalties as a new publisher or Implementing royalties with legacy data for details.


Consultancy and advanced data migration services, if required, are £700 ex VAT per staff member per day.


Most code changes can be delivered as part of the licence fee if we agree the changes are beneficial to all users. If you and your team require personalised code, it's £100–£150 ex VAT an hour depending on the complexity. Some common examples are below. The price will be lower, or even waived, the earlier you involve us in determining your requirements.

Not all requirements put to us will be supported, so please notify us as soon as you know of any emerging requirements that you would like us to support, so that we can tell you early in the process whether or not they are feasible.

  • One-off import of legacy data due to acquisition of an imprint, publisher, or list: £750-£2500, depending on sight of data.
  • Change of distributor: £0-£2500 depending on requirements and timings.
  • Change of website feed: £0-£1500 depending on requirements and timings.
  • Change of advance information sheet layout: £0-£2500 depending on requirements and timings.
  • Ongoing export of data from Consonance in a non-standard format dictated by a third party with evolving requirements: £500-£10,000. Past examples of projects which fall under this type of work include a "sales pack" CSV, a "sidecar" spreadsheet, and a sales rights ONIX workaround. This pricing reflects the issues that come from having to put one client’s requirements for a bespoke solution ahead of the rest of our clients’ expectation of support and ongoing development work, and encourages our clients to put pressure on third parties to use the ONIX standard embedded in the industry rather than inventing their own formats which then have to be worked around.